Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A must read . . .

Monday, November 22, 2004

"Values Voters" whatcha watchin'?

I found this article in the NYT very interesting: Many Who Voted for 'Values' Still Like Their Television Sin.

One of my best friends, who is very right leaning politically and religiously, and I had a discussion a while back about television. I was lamenting how it just doesn't seem that television has hit its low point yet - not even close. The television program called "Temptation Island" was just coming on the air. I found the premise of the show to be a complete absurdity and commented how far tv has slipped into the abyss. He suprised me by saying he and his wife watch it, along with every other "reality" show out there. I asked him how this fits with his "family values" and he blamed his wife - she liked it, so he was forced to watch also.

Since then, new and more obnoxious programs have come and gone. I wonder, why do these shows even get a chance to be on the air? Why? - BECAUSE WE WATCH THEM. I am very tired of hearing how the Hollywood establishment is corrupting our values, while so many Americans go to church on Sunday morning and tune into Desparate Housewives in the evening.

What to do you may ask? Choose your programs very carefully. Support quality not sensationalism. Or, turn it OFF. I have been tv-less now for just over a year and a half - and love it. The final straw for me was the war "coverage". It sickened me to see death as a spectator sport. As we were passing by an open classroom door with the tv on, one of my middle school students shouted, "Cool!" when he witnessed a 'shock and awe' explosion. I asked him if he realized that a PERSON(S) was dying in that scene, he didn't. War was just another television reality program.

By tuning out the television, I've tuned into so much more. After the first few weeks of withdrawl, life got better and better. I've read countless books, had actual conversations with my wife (not just on commercial breaks), spent better time with my kids - the list goes on. And you know what? I don't miss tv one bit.

Even my wife watches less now - although she can't break from the Food Network, which is cool by me, she's picked up some yummy recipes!

Kill your Television, you won't be sorry.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Scary times, even for a Preacher

Read this article . . . It's good to hear I'm not alone in thinking the Religious Right/BushCo is bastardizing Christianity.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Am I doing this right?

I am NOT a theologian, Bible scholar or a product of the Christian schools. I am a person who grew up attending church, but never feeling a part of it. Over the last several years I have had a series of "close times" with God, and even thought that I was finally "getting it". But last year, I moved as close to Jesus as I have ever been. The prelude to war was so concerning to me, to my faith, that I emersed myself in the Bible and other books, prayer, and discussions with anyone who would talk with me about what Jesus was all about.

I truly felt the Holy Spirit moving in me.

But why now am I having a hard time feeling Spirit moving in me? I've heard about ups and downs on the Jesus train, but I just can't seem to find consistency in how I live. I wonder if I should feel "it" everday. I hear people talk of rising first thing in the morning in praise and prayer. Of how they just seem to float on air and spring out of bed full of the Spirit. It's hard enough for me to piss straight in the toilet first thing in the morning, let alone be worshipful. I find myself asking, "am I doing this right?"

I struggle reconciling what I read about Jesus, and what I see in my life and the world around me. I absolutely love the quote on rick's blog: Personally, I don't have the guts to follow Jesus, so I often settle for being a Christian.

That's so me.

Following Jesus is hard. Period. I fall so short of what He calls me to be, it amazes me that He even bothers.

I still consider myself a "new" Christian - I can't quote the Bible off-hand, I'm not up on the latest theological principles, or feel like I can go toe-to-toe with someone who is.

So I just keep going back to Jesus. What he taught, and how I live are so different- I need to close that gap. This journey will take the rest of my life, but I would not want it any other way.

I'm Back!

I'm officially off the IR and back to typing!

Sorry about not posting for a while. The thumb needed a break.
Lots on my mind . . . stay tuned.