Wednesday, October 13, 2004

"Voting Christian"

I had an interesting conversation with my brother-in-law the other day. While discussing how screwed up many of Bush's policies are and how Bush seems to have a problem dealing with reality; he mentioned that he will be voting for Bush because he's "voting Christian". Mind you, he thinks Bush is an idiot.

I didn't explore this with him more deeply at the time, however I have been kicking this around the past few days and find myself troubled. Is there really such a thing as purely voting Christian? Anyway you slice it, these candidates are not champions of Christ's teachings. I know, I know. Many will respond that Bush stands for "traditional family values" (anti-gay marriage) and issues like Pro-Life (I am inherently opposed to abortion - but I can't stand the "movement") and for some, this is enough. But I have a hard time with his policies on health care, poverty, and war. Are these not Christian concerns? Is using fear as a tool for re-election a courting the Christian vote? Is the ability to deny reality (i.e. no wmd's) and stand bold faced to the country and lie a Christian voting virtue?

Just what does it mean to "Vote Christian"? Any thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly, iMaz, I cannot answer that question. I don't really think there is one 'way' to vote Christian. Unless you're taking a broader definition of the term vote so that it really means support. It's just impossible to tease out the hypocrisy from both sides of the aisle.

I do, however, think that one can support Christian things...but when it comes to voting, I think you just go with your heart.


11:27 AM  

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