Sunday, October 17, 2004

An interesting day . . .

This morning I went to church and sang in the choir. As a choir member I am required to be there for both morning services. This, however, is not what made this day interesting.

Before the first service began, several choir members and I were socializing - waiting to sing in church. One of my friends, Mary, was commenting on how she has 15 Bush signs in her front yard and jokingly said she was going to put one in my front yard. I responded, jokingly, that I would probably burn it. For Mary and I this would be just another light-hearted exchange - we both know and respect each other's political beliefs - but for others, I spoke blasphamy. One sweet old lady stood staring with her mouth to the floor and repeatedly asked if it was true that I was voting for Kerry. I responded yes and she couldn't believe it. She was truly startled that someone in the choir (church) was not voting for their beloved Bush. She even whispered in my ear that Kerry was "an asshole". This is quite a statement from her - she NEVER swears - at least to people around church:-).

I told her, with a wink, that I know Kerry's an asshole . . . but he's less an asshole than Bush. She said she'd pray for me. Hence, my name: Black Sheep.

Now, some of this exchange was with tongue in cheek - but the underlying meaning was not: she can't believe a Christian would vote for Kerry.

I was not really in the mood for singing. I wasn't pissed or hurt - just . . . sad. I really don't believe this dear woman thinks of me poorly - she gave me a big hug and said she loved me. But, I was still troubled. I talked with Mary at length afterwards and I think she was more upset than I. She said she doesn't think it was appropriate for her (or anyone) to respond to me in that way and I was very appreciative of her support. I explained some of my reasons for voting the way I plan, and she was very positive - she didn't necessarily agree, but she didn't treat me like a freak.

I was a bit down for the afternoon. Then I recieved a phone call. A co-worker's 11 year-old son was killed in an auto accident this weekend. Suddenly, Bush and Kerry seemed like a complete waste of my energy.

As I snuggled with my 4 year-old son tonight I couldn't imagine the pain my friend is suffering right now. How much time and energy do I spend on politics and other issues each day? Every moment with our loved ones is so precious. I realize that in our society it's almost impossible to not get so caught up in politics, careers, and other "extra-curriculars", but today brought me back a bit.

I have to remind myself that God is in control. That I am to LOVE first, everything else second. I am so thankful for the blessings God has given, and that includes my family, friends and yes - this country, with all of its faults and shortcomings.

Give someone a hug and let them know you love them. Especially, if they are voting for "the other guy".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a Chicago resident voting for Bush, I get the same thing from the liberal culture here. They've never met a real conservative and think we must be evil to the core.

10:21 PM  
Blogger Streak said...

Am I missing something? Anonymous missed your point completely. I am a kerry supporter who can't stand bush, but I share your sadness that we are so divided. regardless of the outcome of this election, do we have any hope that things will improve?

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a shame we can't sit down and have a reality-based discussion about this, rather than just calling people assholes. Let's discuss, rationally, and factually, the candidates' assholishness, eh?

2:02 PM  
Blogger Black Sheep said...

I'm with you both . . . it is sad we can't discuss these two asshole candidates in a civil manner like they do on Hannity and Colmes. ;-) The political climate is so charged at this time, I fear it will be several years before the country heals. By the way, there is hope. My best friend is a strongly conservative Bush supporter. It is difficult at times, but we have found ways to be friends and Christian brothers.

8:51 PM  

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