Sunday, June 05, 2005

Vive le Canada - Religion in Politics and "The Peace of the Realm"

Vive le Canada - Religion in Politics and "The Peace of the Realm": "Unfortunately, the U.S.A. influences many Canadians. Unfortunately, it influences many of the people who say the separation of church and state is a �distortion�, a perversion, an unnatural condition. The U.S.A. wants global power without global religious toleration. It wants to be the heart of a global community that possesses neither religious toleration nor the separation of church and state. At home it has never been especially tolerant. The burning of witches was a U.S. entertainment. From its beginning in 1776 until 1960, moreover, no Roman Catholic was able to become president of the United States. In Canada, twenty nine years after Confederation, a francophone Roman Catholic became prime minister.

The U.S. has developed a Christian fundamentalism that it wants to impose on other countries. Not only is its barely disguised war against Islam (mixing racism with religious bigotry) a matter of great concern. But also the U.S. tries to tell Christian countries how to act in matters of faith and dogma. Very recently, offering $40 million to Brazil to assist it in the battle against AIDS, the U.S insisted Brazil condemn the use of condoms and criminalize prostitution. "


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