Monday, April 04, 2005

I bought a Honda & WOOD TV8 - Grand Rapids news and weather - Gas prices across the country continue to set new highs

So tonight, I bought a Honda. It's a beauty . . . 1995 civic lx - gets about 35-40 mpg average! The reason I'm so excited is because my other vehicle is a '95 F250 Diesel - not so good on the mpg or the air. I have been looking for a more economical car for everyday use for a while now. My commute is about 30 miles (round trip) and is going to go higher next year, so the diesel was getting expensive.

I have had mixed feelings about driving such a fuel hog (the truck)since I bought it a year ago. The reasons for purchasing the truck are worthy though. I'm NOT one of those guys who measures their penis with horsepower. I bought it because we have a farm, a horse and I do a lot of volunteer horse and hay delivery for a therapeutic riding center in town (they have no truck). So I want to keep it for these purposes, but not for everyday driving.

I'm geeked that I will be driving a car that is not such a resource hog. I figured I'll save about $140+ in fuel costs a month, not to mention I'll feel better about not contributing to the wasting of our valuable natural resources.

As gas prices continue to climb - I hope more and more people will seriously consider ways of conserving. It's time to take an inventory of our energy usage. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth, turn out the lights, get an economical car, etc. - - the shit is about to hit the fan in the coming months and years. The time to act is now.


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